Sunday, March 29, 2009

New to Me: Why Is This Not Widely Known?

Apparently America has been given the gift of another monument.

And this monument has been placed opposite an earlier monument given us by France, just across the water from the Statue of Liberty.

We said thanks to France. But have we given thanks to Russia for the Teardrop monument erected in Bayonne New Jersey in.....2006? Where has our press been? Why is this largely unknown?

This beautiful monument memorializes the loss of nearly 3,000 people who died when hijackers on four flights downed the World Trade Center Towers, a segment of the Pentagon, and the heroic people of United Flight 93 who downed their plane rather than allow it to be used for more deaths and destruction.

By the way, the next time I think contemptuous thoughts about suicide bombers, let me remember the heroism of our suicide squad on Flight 93. They surely knew they would not survive.

For more information about the Teardrop monument, click here. I thank the people of Russia for their kindness and sympathy.

To get an idea of the press' skepticism when the memorial was being proposed and offered, read this New York Times opinion piece by Peter Applebome. "...thanks but no thanks[?]" Not a nice way to behave when a gift is offered. Later the Times reported with an absence of gratitude that there were 40 names too many inscribed on the monument.

Hat tip to Jim Goodwine for educating me about this.

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