Tuesday, April 24, 2012

House Looking like Home

What a difference a year makes!  Doug Hooley came back this spring to prune the overgrown and tame the wild.  I'm sure over the past 61 years the landscape of this front yard has seen many forms, but none as beautiful as this.

Doug, Brett, Clay, and John did wonders.  There are over twenty different desert plants, most in full bloom at this time.  Doug complemented me on keeping the weeds at bay, but I think my insistence of having a minimum of 2 inches of rock over the turf made the job fairly easy, not to mention Round-Up.

*     *     *

Last April, my Master Landscape Artist was placing frail little plants in the front yard.  The patchy grass littered with weeds had been removed.  The flat surface was dug up, shifted around, mounded up, and gullied out.  A sculptor and nature photographer had painstakingly laid a variety of river rock into the y-shaped (Lambda shaped?) 'river bed'.  Doug Hooley was the landscaper, Brett Orton was the river sculptor and Clay and John were the movers and shakers and diggers and builders.  It was hard but beautiful work!

4112 Landscape 031     April 2011 saw the finished desert landscaping

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