Sunday, July 4, 2010 I understand God.

As a child my understanding of God came from Christian teachings, specifically the Episcopal Church's teachings. As an adult I can't just shake off my understanding of God as Creator, Redeemer, and Guide-Teacher-Friend. Yet my understanding has repeatedly changed, grown and expanded as my life progresses.

God, as I understand God, is beyond the confines of the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Quran, or any other sacred writings. God is beyond human understanding other than how we choose to anthropomorphize a deity. God is productive in far more ways than male or female. God is the sum and substance of all that is seen and unseen in and beyond the known universe.

As each element of creation comes into being, it is imbued with the nature of the Creator. Stars, planets, black holes, little planets like Earth have life in ways beyond human understanding. So, too, do paramecia, amoeba, viruses, seeds, nuts, and all plant and animal life.

For me God is present in all Creation. How could it be otherwise?


Lauren said...

In Love:
You claim to be a child of God, however in noticing this, you have failed to be aware of the fact that you are not following His teachings. God has not called us to support institutions that are not of His creation. He did not join a man and a woman as a "general suggestion." It was an example of how we are to live. And only were two individuals of the same gender intimately involved to provide an example for God's vibrantly negative view on such actions. Neither Sodom nor Gomorrah prevailed.
You are right that you are a child of God, but know that He has called ALL of His children, all of His creation, to live by His word and not that of this world molded by evil.
Please seek truth in all areas of your life. Thanks for reading.
P.S. Great job on the garden!

Pat Klemme said...


I don't know how I missed this at the time. I don't know if you will see this or not.

Thank you for your comments. I take your words to heart and respect your opinion.

God bless you and your loved ones,