Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Butt in Chair with Fun

Author Julie Smith, creator of San Francisco attorney Rebecca Schwartz and New Orleans PI Talba Wallis, also offers teaching tools and even coaching for budding authors.  I bought a set of Julie Smith's teaching CDs about three years ago and got busy with writing lessons from a pro. They were worth every penny by the way.  

Up front Julie points out that a writer must keep his or her butt in the chair to succeed.  I've written this before in Diverse Mind.  It may be the kiss of death to mention it again, but keeping my butt in the chair seems to be my biggest challenge.

I have two novels in progress at this time, and the second one was started yesterday due to boredom with the first.  Yesterday's beginning was auspicious by comparison.  I was able to rattle my way through 3,000 words of text that practically wrote itself.  Novel 1 is the one I have to get out of my gut.  It's been nagging at me for years.  It also writes itself at times but candidly it is not much fun.  Novel 2 started with a few key words and a brief plot note.  I started writing and (ta da!) it is fun! I can't imagine it getting dull.  

So, once again, butt is in chair.  Here's to another 3,000 words today.

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