Saturday, July 28, 2012

Arpaio's Trials

From Doug MacEachern of the Arizona Republic in his 7/28/2012 "Quick Hit":

"No one expects a lot of magnanimity out of a protest group. They gotta do what they gotta do. Sometimes that means annoying innocent bystanders. But does the group planning to protest Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Sunday at his church services really need to? Short answer: No. Morally speaking, the right to worship undisturbed trumps any self-assigned duty to preen before cameras."

Here is my Quick Hit back to Mr. MacEachern:

I am remembering a Sunday several years ago when MCSO blocked access to St. Paul's (now Iglesia San Pablo) Episcopal Church on 31st Street in downtown Phoenix.  This church with a predominantly Spanish language congregation was targeted by Sheriff Arpaio to snare possible undocumented worshipers. 

I cannot be bothered to picket a church where Child-of-God Joseph Arpaio might worship, but at least he doesn't have to worry about being arrested and jailed.  

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